CGWE helping the Whitehall/Bexley Rotary Club at their annual Pancake breakfast fund raising on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Whitehall Rotary Club team cooking.
Whitehall/Bexley Rotary Club

Lifting Communities by empowering women through reciprocity
CGWE helping the Whitehall/Bexley Rotary Club at their annual Pancake breakfast fund raising on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Whitehall Rotary Club team cooking.
CGWE presentation at the Tea and Coffee Party hosted by Cathy Phillips on February 15, 2015 and Brenda Floyd on March 22, 2015.
Columbus Rotary Women gathered to learn about empowering women in Oromia, Ethiopia. Hosted by Jackie Cooper on June 25, 2015. We are selling jewelry and bags to raise funds for our trip back to Oromia, Ethiopia this November. The bag has washcloths, underwear, mirror, comb, toothbrush and soap at $30 to train personal hygiene all CGWE beneficiaries. …
Spotlight to inform the Columbus Rotary Club of the activities of CGWE and CGWE’s upcoming mission trip.
CGWE’s presentation at 12th Annual HumanTrafficking & Social Justice Conference at University of Toledo September 10, 2015. Thanks to Daniel Daffa and Brenda Floyd for their support by driving with me and spending the whole day in Toledo.
The spaghetti dinner and jewelry sale fundraising was successful today at Encounter Church in Dublin. I am really touched by their love and generosity.
CGWE mission team fundraising party at Lalibala Ethiopian restaurant was successful. The love of Jesus Christ kept on pouring down up on us. Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are so blessed to have caring, loving and godly people around us.
Volunteer Million Tadesse
Dureti (Mimi) Tadesse ‘s “ Service Above Self” award trough Columbus Rotary Club. Monday June 20, 2016 at the Columbus Rotary Club luncheon. Way to be Jesus’ hands and feet, Mimi!!